China, 2014
Collage, pasted paper on paper
22.8 x 22.5 cm / 8.97" x 8.85"
White, porcelain, red, flag, top-heavy, monolithic.
I cut out an exhibition advert from an art magazine; then cut the text leaving only the ones and zeros (you can see them if you look). Then, where there was an image, the rectangular central form, I inserted four sections of red, three vertical and one horizontal; these also had the text removed (except ones and zeros).
The red 'ground' was filled with red-out-of-white ones and zeros, and the white 'ground' with white-out-of-red. Finally, I completed the square format with red.
The work of Robert Motherwell is some of my favourite visual art so perhaps I have him to thank for the overall form? Although it is the original design of the printed magazine page that pre-determines the 'composition'.